Botox is for you?

People today are very concerned about their skin. With all the stressors of our skin is exposed to every day, it is not uncommon for our skin suffers. Exposure to the sun, natural aging and stress can cause our skin to less than 100% air. Now there are cosmetic treatments that can help rejuvenate the skin's appearance. Botox has quickly become one of the most popular cosmetic treatments available for both men and women.

Many people like the fact that non-surgical treatment of ten minutes can temporarily smooth moderate to severe wrinkles. A few days after receiving the treatment, people can expect to see a dramatic improvement in the appearance of your skin and can be expected to last up to four months. It is a quick, no recovery time is very attractive to most people. Botox is approved by the FDA and can be used in different areas of the body. Treatment is approved for use in frown lines (between the eyebrows also known as frown lines), fine lines around the eyes (also known as crow's feet), and lines on the forehead.

Botox is a type of protein that reduces muscular activity purified. The muscles that cause wrinkles how proteins are targeted injections. Few shots of this protein help stop the muscles contract, which allows the skin to soften gradually, giving a more youthful appearance.

A plastic surgeon board certified must administer Botox injections. Since it is a surgical procedure that can be performed in the surgeon's office. The surgeon will use a special refrigerator to numb the injection before the procedure takes place the area. Many people say the procedure is virtually painless injections and compare to get an insect bite. Some patients choose injections combined with other products to improve their performance further. This is something that should be discussed with the surgeon and feel that it is beneficial for the patient, who can perform the two procedures together in the office.

If you are considering having this procedure done, you should schedule a consultation with a doctor. Together, the two of you can determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure or if there is another procedure that can be more beneficial for you. If you are a patient who has had this procedure done and have been pleased with the results, you may want to consider a plan for regular maintenance therapy. Until a person has had a severe allergic reaction or serious side effects may receive injections every four to six months.

Men and women are concerned about the appearance of your skin. Both men and women can be excellent candidates for Botox injections. While under the care of a physician, may continue to receive treatment and enjoy your youthful appearance.

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